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New india

New India

Why in discussion:-

The 'New India - We will do it' exhibition / cultural program organized jointly by the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and the Corporation of India at Bandra railway station in Mumbai was inaugurated.
New india purpose:-
                            The programs organized under it were launched to fulfill Prime Minister Narendra Modi's pledge of New India. The campaign has to be promoted. The Prime Minister has pledged to create a new India by 2022, for which the central government is trying to connect someone with a resolve to free the country from corruption, poverty, communalism, terrorism and casteism.
     important point:-
                                       Under this, the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs is organizing exhibitions / cultural events' New India - We will do it in 39 places across the country. 
New India - We will do 'The country from 1857 to 1947 is focused on the freedom movements, in which various agitations made to achieve freedom from British rule -' First freedom struggle of 1857 ',' Chaparran Satyagraha ',' Non-cooperation movement ' 'Dandi Yatra' and 'Quit India Movement' will be shown. . 
Apart from this, the five-year period from 1942 to 1947 will be told in the exhibition how the whole country had changed in the fight to achieve independence from the British rule.
 Through the photographs in the exhibition / program, all aspects of the pre-independence India struggle and the Prime Minister's resolution of 'New India' are highlighted. Information about various welfare schemes of the Central Government is also being given in it.

         Concept of New India-

                    'India Vision' is the idea of ​​a change by which the government is presenting the intention of building a new India by changing the economic, social and political structure of India in the near future. • The main agenda of this new India is development. The idea of ​​'New India', presented by NITI Aayog, includes a three-fold increase in GDP by 2032.

Apart from this, targets including increase in per capita GDP up to ₹ 2 lakh including farmers, providing basic amenities to the people, power, digital connectivity, health, literacy, sanitation etc. are all included.
In this 'New India', more emphasis will be laid on the concept of inclusive development by rising above caste and religion.

Why is there a need?
                                • In order to keep pace with the global pace of development, India also has to take the path of rapid change.
• To adjust themselves to the changing system in the era of 'New World Order'. China's strong rise.
• To convert the growing jobless growth in India into employment growth.
• For proper progress in the areas of health, education, housing, food, water etc. along with economic development.

       Project and effort.
                      • Announcement by NITI Aayog to end the five-year plans and start the three-year action plan. Passage of GST. 
• Promoting campaigns such as business facilitation and Make in India • “Ujjwala” and ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ scheme for women: ‘Pradhan Mantri Krishi Irrigation Scheme’ and ‘e-mandi’ for farmers. 0 Internal Security and Terrorism The government seems to be more active on the issue.